General description of publications, their scope, source and level

Note: This draft version 0 is applicable since 01/01/2015 and until 14/09/2017, pending approval by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. Next version.

Climanosco is dedicated to publishing high quality articles on climate sciences that can be read by a large public without prior scientific knowledge. All submitted Manuscripts are reviewed following our Peer-Review process to ensure scientifically rigorous content and readable form. We allow three types of source for the Manuscripts submitted to Climanosco.

But first, to avoid confusion, let’s clarify a few basic terms:

  • Manuscript: A document which is submitted to Climanosco with the intent to have it published online. A manuscript can not be cited as its content has not been reviewed and might contain inappropriate contents. They are available to members.
  • Revised Manuscript: A Manuscript which has been revised following the recommendations of the Referees from the Review Panel. Revised Manuscripts are awaiting further Review. They can not be cited. They are available to members.
  • Published Article (or simply: Article): A Manuscript which has gone successfully through the Peer-Review Process and has been published on Climanosco under Published Articles. Published Articles are citable.

Original Manuscripts/Articles:

An Original Manuscript is typically based on several scientific studies and discusses the logical implications for society. An Original Manuscript can be an introduction, a general review of a topic, but can also focus on a single aspect. The Peer-Review Process is standard.

At Climanosco we distinguish between three levels of articles:

  • Introductory Articles: Articles providing a basic understanding on a subject for beginners.
  • General Articles: Articles providing a general introduction to an area.
  • Focus Articles: Articles providing the details on the state-of-the-art but with a narrow focus.

Paraphrased Manuscripts/Articles:

A Paraphrased Manuscript is a transcription in non-scientific language of a single published scientific article. Its content is strictly limited to the content of the original scientific article and must reflect all its main aspects. If one of the authors of the original scientific article agrees to peer-review the Paraphrased Manuscript, then the Peer-Review Process is slightly simplified with a Scientific Review Panel reduced to the author of the original scientific article. If one of the original authors is also an author (or co-author) of the Paraphrased Manuscript, then the Peer-Review is reduced to a Non-scientific Review Panel only (no Scientific Review Panel is called for in this case). Paraphrased Manuscripts provide a simple channel for the scientists to disseminating their scientific results whenever they feel they are of interest for a large public.

Updated Manuscripts/Articles:

An Updated Manuscript is an article which updates an existing Published Article in Climanosco with new related science. Updated Manuscripts must include all aspects of the source article and must explain the recent advances in science that justified the update. Updates can only be performed on Original Articles. No updates are accepted on Paraphrased Articles. Updates of Translated Articles are only accepted as Translations of Updated Articles. The Peer-Review Process is standard.

Translation of Articles:

All new Manuscripts are submitted in English to ensure strict verification of the content from the original scientific literature. Once the English version of an Article is published in Climanosco, it is open for translations. A Translated Manuscript is a translation of a Published Article. The Translated Manuscript is bound the original Published Article written in English. The Peer-Review Process is then reduced to a Non-scientific Review Panel only (no Scientific Review Panel is called for in this case).
