Dear 2050: Humans Respond to Climate Change

An Event posted on 10/10/2020
Last updated on 05/11/2020

Event dates: 24/10/2020 – 06/11/2020
Event location: Zurich, Switzerland
Event URL:

We’re delighted to announce the one-of-its-kind exhibition “Dear 2050: Humans Respond to Climate Change” in downtown Zurich and online from 24 October to 6 November 2020.

The exhibition will feature a convergence of artworks and scientific works that were created for our call on Human responses to climate change.

We will host an extraordinarily diverse series of plenary sessions featuring climate scientists, artists and youths from Switzerland and beyond.

More details can be found in the flyer and the Press Release, from, or on our Facebook event.

The event will be live streamed at

We are also extending an invitation to all students and youths who are interested in helping raise climate literacy to take part in the Climate Science Slam and have their contributions displayed in the exhibition.

Finally, we need volunteers to help out with distributing flyers, moderating sessions and helping visitors at the exhibition.

We are at disposal for any question. Please contact us at

We need your help to make this event have a greater impact!

We look forward to seeing many of you at the exhibition in person or online.