Research Articles

Welcome to Climanosco Research Articles, the open access journal of Climanosco.

We invite you to browse through our collections of research articles. You will find below all published articles in open access, and if you are logged in as a member, you will also find all manuscripts before their publication.

All research articles are written and vetted by scientists and clarified for the general public with the help of volunteer reviewers and can be cited or re-used following our Copyrights rules. Click to learn more about our publications and peer review process. And if you’re considering sharing your research or becoming a volunteer, we’d love for you to get involved.

ISSN 2673-1568, DOI

Collection 5, Entangled forests

A collection exploring forests in the context of climate change

Articles coming soon, stay tuned.

To access the manuscripts before publication, log in or register as a member

Collection 4, Oceans on the rise

A collection exploring the oceans in the context of climate change

To access the manuscripts before publication, log in or register as a member

Collection 2, Climate change and its impacts

A collection on climate change and its impacts with an emphasis on health

To access the manuscripts before publication, log in or register as a member