New research articles on the way
Posted on 12/06/2019
Dear Climanosco community,
We are super excited to share that the first articles of the new collection on climate change and its impacts were just published!
We are still looking for science and accessibility reviewers for a couple of manuscripts in this collection. Please be considerate if you receive an invitation to review one of them or get in touch if you want to volunteer as a reviewer.
We warmly thank everyone, authors, editors, reviewers and team members, for your wonderful work throughout this call for manuscript.
We are so excited to see this unique library of free and accessible, high quality research articles emerging and reflecting so nicely the individual participation of members of this great community and beyond.
We specially thank all authors for their immense patience throughout this call for manuscripts and associated peer review.
We made a major development work on the online peer review process during this period of time that mobilized much of our small team. With this development work now out of our way, we will concentrate on ramping up the pace of the peer review in the future calls for manuscripts.
The next call for manuscript is planned for the fall 2019 – an announcement will follow over the coming months.
In the meanwhile, please keep your eyes open for more articles to be published in this collection over the coming month!