Our Challenge starts today – give your first feed-back by 19 Nov.
Posted on 04/11/2015
Dear All,
Today is an exciting day: we officially start our Challenge!
No less than 12 Manuscripts have been submitted for this Challenge by bright early-career climate scientists from around the world.
These Manuscripts will become available later today to all members on the Challenge page. As members, you will also be notified by email for the Manuscripts that have some common Geographical Sector or Subject Area with your own profile.
The participating Manuscripts now enter in a 2-week Preliminary Discussion phase until 19 November where every member of Climanosco can give her/his comments and impressions. This feed-back will allow the Authors to make a first round of improvements on their Manuscript. It is very important that everyone participates with constructive comments! Authors participating to the Challenge are of course also welcome to comment on others’ Manuscripts.
After this Preliminary Discussion, each Manuscript will be attributed a scientific Editor and will pursue its way through the Peer-Review process with a Blind Review and an Open Discussion. At the end of this process, a Jury, formed of the participating scientific Editors and of an equal number of non-scientific members, will vote on the best Manuscripts (see Challenge rules). Prizes will be delivered around Febr 2016.
The winning Manuscripts will be voted on the basis of their final revised version on criteria that include the form (readability by a large public) as well as the content (scientific basis). It is important that everyone participate and that Authors make the best out of the feed-back they receive!
Let’s set a high standard together.
All the best,
PS: Note that this might be a good time for you to update your Notification Profile to make sure you will be notified each time a Manuscript appears in an area of interest for you.