Publication policies
Note: This draft version 0 is applicable since 01/01/2015 and until 14/09/2017, pending approval by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. Next version.
Hereafter are our Publication policies.
- Climanosco publishes its journal on a non-profit basis and is strictly funded by membership fees and small donations.
- The distribution of the journal is made via internet only.
- Languages of publications: New Manuscripts are submitted and peer-reviewed in English. Translated Manuscripts are written in other languages, but their Review reports are written in English.
- Submission of Manuscripts and Manuscript Invitations is free of charge and open to registered members only.
- Published Articles are open to everybody free of charge.
- Manuscripts that are currently under review, their corresponding Review reports and Open Discussion, are open to Climanosco members only. These documents remain accessible to Climanosco members after the publication of the article.
- Translated Articles are open to everybody free of charge.
- Copyright stays with the author(s).
- Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (allows electronic and paper copies).
- Archiving and accessibility of Published Articles, Manuscripts, Reviews and Open Discussion is permanent.
- Climanosco reserves the right to edit a document if purely technical corrections are necessary (e.g. corrupt file or incorrect bibliographical entry).
- Under no circumstances will Climanosco make any change of the contents in a Published Article.
- Published Articles are citable.
- Impact metrics will soon be provided for all Published Articles.