Note: This draft version 1 is applicable since 15/11/2017, pending approval by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.
Climanosco’s blog is a space for sharing the behind the scenes, fun, unexpected, and / or personal side of climate science with our audience. Our blog posts complement our research articles by taking a step beyond “just the science” to explore and fill in the bigger picture of climate science. Blogs are published in the public section of Climanosco’s website. Please note:
- Blog posts are visible to the public;
- They can only be submitted by registered members of Climanosco;
- They are moderated ahead of publication;
- Comments on blog posts can only be submitted by registered members of Climanosco;
- Comments are not moderated and but are only visible to members who are logged in.
Tone and topics
We encourage our authors to share their insights, personality and humanity in their writing. We welcome a conversational tone, and the scope of topics is limited only by a connection to climate science, climate and society, writing accessible science, or the Climanosco organization. Topics might include but are in no way limited to:
- A high level overview of new, interesting developments in the field of climate science
- Analysis / explanation of the science behind a specific climate related news story
- Reports on research projects
- Stories from the field – funny or insightful stories about how research is conducted
- Historical perspectives
- Reports on Climanosco activities
- Personal stories or reflections on climate (i.e. experiences with a climate event)
- Title: max 6 words
- Flash outline: maximum 160 characters including blanks
- Body: max 1200 words
- Pictures: up to 2
- Videos (short, 30 seconds – 3 minutes, please contact us for uploading it)
- References and footnotes: references are to be entered as footnotes in blog posts.
Please see how to include pictures, videos and footnote in Formatting your content.
Writing style
- The language used must be non-scientific, human and fun. Negative, alarming message should be avoided. We want to share climate science and the fun that goes with it.
- The style can be as diverse as Climanosco’s community. We encourage you to share your authentic voice!