Note: This version 1 is applicable since 28/10/2017. This version 1 was approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2017. It was approved by the General Assembly on 15/12/2017. Previous version.
Tell scientists what you want to know about climate. Your questions will help make climate science accessible for everyone.
Our manuscript invitation process opens the door for everyone to enter the world of climate science and say to the experts: “I’d like to know more about this topic – why don’t you write a paper about it?”
What would you like to know?
Think about an aspect of climate/climate science you’d like to understand better. Don’t go into details – this will be the scientists’ job. Briefly share what you would like to learn about. What topic or area you would like the manuscript to cover. You may simply want to write a list of questions you have about a topic, or just one bold question.
If the topic is of particular relevance to you and your community, you may have local access to people, experts and observations that scientists may be interested in using. If that is the case, please briefly write about it. This is very important. It could even lead to new research being generated thanks to you!
On submitting your invitation, you can ask to be a co-author on the manuscript which will be written thanks to you. We would warmly recommend it. Once a scientist decides to write the manuscript, you will be notified and will be able to get involved. After publication, your name will be on the published article.
This is where people help scientists address topics of direct relevance to society.
Submit your invitation
Please submit your invitation using the dedicated online form.
The length of the description is limited to 600 words. If you want, you can also write a summary of no more than 100 words.
You can propose the level of the manuscript as “Introductory”, “General” or “Focus”. If you are not sure, simply choose “General” or read the introduction on our research articles.
In most cases, you can simply select the source of article as “Multiple source”. But if you are aware of a new scientific paper that was published and you wish to see it re-written in accessible words, then select “Single source” and enter the details of the scientific paper you have in mind. You can also ask for a Climanosco article to be updated if you are aware of new research findings. In that particular case, select “Updated article”.
You might have potential scientific authors in mind, in which case you can propose their names. This is optional.
You will be asked to select Subject Area(s) and Geographical Sector(s) from a list. Simply select as many as possible that broadly fit.
Once you have submitted your invitation, it will be sent to Climanosco’s team who might get back to you if anything can be improved. Your invitation will then be posted in the members area of the web site and sent to all registered climate scientists who have an expertise in the area(s) you have selected.
You will be notified of activities around your invitation. You can also follow the progress of your invitation by accessing its dedicated page on the web site. After a couple of weeks, you may want to send a reminder to the scientists by clicking on “Send Reminder” on the top right corner of the invitation page.
If you encounter any problem or need any clarification contact the team at: