Dinner at EGU – Registration

An Event posted on 24/03/2015
Last updated on 24/03/2015

Event dates: 14/04/2015 – 15/04/2015
Event location: Vienna

Register by 10/04/2015
Unless otherwise specified, register by following the procedure on the Event web site.
Sign up by 10/04/2015
Unless otherwise specified, sign up by sending an email to the Event’s Author.

Dear all,

The European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna is approaching and we thought it would be nice to have dinner together. I propose to do it either on the Tuesday 14th or Wednesday 15th.

Could you please “register” to this event by the 10th of April so we can make a reservation in a nice restaurant (suggestions are welcomed). You can either post a comment here on the platform or send me an email (m.k.m.charriere@tudelft.nl) if you would like to join. If you are unavailable at these dates but would have liked to join, please contact me through the same channels! We can think about having a lunch or coffee instead.

Kind regards,
