Note: This version 1 is applicable since 15/09/2017. This version 1 was approved by the Board of Directors on 15/09/2017. It was approved by the General Assembly on 15/12/2017. Previous version. Next version.
Our goal is to make climate science accessible to everyone. This Publication Policy explains how we make this happen by publishing accessible research-based articles on climate. If you have any question, please use the contact details below. We will be delighted to hear from you.
From submission to publication
- Submission of manuscripts is free of charge.
- Submission of manuscripts is open to Climanosco members registered as climate scientists. In short, our main authors are required to be actively publishing research in the area of climate science and to have a post-graduate scientific education (see details in the Terms and Conditions of Registration and Membership).
- All manuscripts go through our extended peer review process where they are evaluated by reviewers and Climanosco’s community and revised accordingly by their authors.
- Manuscripts that successfully complete the peer review process and receive approval from the editor in charge are published by Climanosco.
- We also publish collections of such articles.
- We distribute all published articles and collections for free in the electronic format on our web site. In other words, all our publications are published in open access.
- In addition, we produce printed collections. We offer them for free at our exhibits, to schools and local communities. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in distributing collections at your school, university or in your local community.
- You can also directly purchase printed collections at a near-production price from our online shop.
Archiving and permanent accessibility
- Archiving and free accessibility of published articles and collections in the electronic format is permanent.
- Climanosco reserves the right to edit a document if purely technical corrections are necessary (e.g. corrupt file or incorrect bibliographical entry).
- Under no circumstances will Climanosco make any other change to the content of a published article.
Languages and translations
- All new manuscripts are submitted and peer reviewed in English.
- In the future, we aim to introduce translations of our published articles.
- Translations will be performed by our community and will be peer reviewed.
- After their publication by Climanosco, translated articles will be available to everyone permanently and for free in the electronic format.
- Copyrights are set forth in our Copyrights notice.
- In short: Copyrights stay with the author(s) and published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
- Published articles are citable.
- Registration of all our published articles in central repositories, such as, will be added in the future.
- Article-level impact metrics will also be added in the future.
Contact Climanosco
- You can contact Climanosco by mail or email.
- The mailing address is:
c/o The Hub Zurich Association
Viaduktstrasse 93-95
8005 Zurich
Switzerland - The email address is: