Introducing our research articles (v. 2)

Note: This draft version 2 is not applicable. Previous version.

Climanosco builds a community-driven climate science library of research-based content that is accessible to a broad audience. Our intention is to create a bridge with the actual research going on world wide in climate science which makes this research accessible to everyone.

At the heart of this effort, we publish research articles that are written by climate scientists and reviewed by peers ensuring both scientific rigor and broad accessibility.

We publish our research articles in our journal Climanosco Research Articles. These research articles have successfully completed our peer review and are final. They are published in open access, meaning that they are freely accessible for everyone.

Since it takes time for research articles to mature from initial submission to final publication, we also publish early versions of the research articles at two different stages of our peer review process in our journal Climanosco Research Manuscripts. These early versions are available in open access, but they are not final; they are under review.

From initial submission to final publication

Submission of research articles is open to researchers in the broad area of climate science (see details in our terms of registration).

After initial submission, the articles mature through our peer review process. During this process, articles receive feed-back from the editor, reviewers, and the community, and are revised by their authors.

We call Manuscripts the different versions of an article that are undergoing peer review. From the initial submitted version to the final publishable version, Manuscripts migrate through different phases of the peer review process as briefly described here. Please refer to our extended peer review for more details.

The submission phase

A Submitted Manuscript starts with an initial submission by authors. It goes through the preliminary discussion and receives initial inputs from the community. The authors make a first round of improvements based on these inputs and finalize their submission. The editor evaluates the finalized Submitted Manuscript and takes the acceptance decision. If the acceptance decision is positive, the Submitted Manuscript is published in Climanosco Research Manuscripts and can enter the revision phase.

The revision phase

The Submitted Manuscript is then reviewed by reviewers (open blind review) and the community (open discussion), and receives the editor’s recommendations. Based on these inputs, the authors revise the Manuscript and submit the Revised Manuscript. The editor evaluates the Revised Manuscript and takes the final decision. If the final decision is positive, the Revised Manuscript is published in Climanosco Research Manuscripts and enters the publication phase.

The publication phase

The authors may further improve the Manuscript based on the editor’s input and submit the Final Manuscript. The Final Manuscript completes the peer review process. It is published as article in Climanosco Research Articles.

Citability and copyrights

Manuscripts are accessible to Climanosco members in real time while they evolve through the peer review process. The versions of the Manuscripts remain temporary and changeable until they are published in Climanosco Research Manuscripts or Climanosco Research Articles. As long as they are not published in one of these two journals, Manuscripts can not be cited, and can not be copied or distributed without express consent from the author (see Copyrights).

Once they are published in Climanosco Research Manuscripts or Climanosco Research Articles, the Submitted, Revised and Final Manuscripts are public and citable. They are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution license and can be copied and re-used under a set of conditions (read more about Copyrights).

Levels of articles

We publish articles that are intended to a broad audience. Since these articles are written by real researchers, they each offer something unique and original. The level of reading is therefore also naturally diverse. Some will be easy reads while others will require some more investment. We sort them in three broad categories:

Introductory articles

Introductory articles offer a first reading on a phenomena or topic, with an emphasis on well-established, basic knowledge.

General articles

General articles provide a general overview of an area of research.

Focus articles

Focus articles offer you a more detailed dive into specific facets of an area of research.

Sources of articles

Our articles reflect research that has been published in the recognized peer reviewed scientific literature. We distinguish between multiple source articles and single source articles:

Multiple source

Multiple source articles are based on a set of research papers. Authors make sure they provide a balanced representation of the research available in the chosen topic. Multiple source articles are fully peer reviewed.

Single source

Single source articles are based on a single research paper. Here authors must reflect the content of this research paper and are restricted by it. However, the emphasis may be adjusted to highlight aspects that are of particular relevance to a broad audience. The peer review may be simplified if the author of the original research paper is involved with the article (see details on the peer review).

Single source articles provide a quick channel for climate scientists to reach a broader audience by simply re-writing published papers in an accessible way.

Updated articles

To reflect the evolving nature of research, all articles published by Climanosco can be updated when significant new research is available. Authorship may differ from one update to the next but the topic and research area covered by updates are to remain consistent with the original version. Updated articles are fully peer reviewed.

Translations of articles

New manuscripts are submitted in English to allow the reviewing of the content with respect to the international research literature. All articles can however be translated in new languages after the English version is published by Climanosco. Translated articles are to accurately reflect the English version. They are fully peer reviewed.
