Peer review criteria for manuscripts (v. 2)

Note: This draft version 2 is not applicable. Previous version.

Publishing research articles on climate that are both of high quality and accessible to a broad audience is not only our goal, but is an inspiring challenge for everyone in Climanosco’s community. To walk together towards this goal, we take all manuscripts through our extended peer review with our editors, accessibility reviewers, science reviewers and commenters. We evaluate each manuscript using transparent sets of criteria.

Criteria for the finalization of the submission

The first evaluation of a manuscript is performed by the editor for the acceptance decision at the end of the submission phase. Manuscripts that meet the basic criteria listed below are published in our journal Climanosco Research Manuscripts and can enter in the revision phase.

  1. Does the submission fulfill Climanosco’s Terms and Conditions for the Submission and Revision of a Manuscript?
  2. Is the focus of the manuscript within the scope of Climanosco?
  3. Is the manuscript (focus and content) new to Climanosco or could the manuscript be re-submitted in the form of an updated manuscript?
  4. Is the manuscript of significance, both scientifically and for the public at large?
  5. Is the presentation clear, coherent and concise, and the language fluent?
  6. Does the manuscript meet basic standards of scientific quality?

Criteria for the completion of the peer review

The second evaluation is performed by the editor for the final decision at the end of the revision phase based on the review reports from the science and accessibility reviewers, the comments in the open discussion, and the authors’ revision and reply.

In their review reports, the science reviewers are asked to rate the significance, presentation and science criteria listed hereafter, while the accessibility reviewers are asked to rate the significance, presentation and accessibility criteria listed hereafter.


  1. Is the focus of the manuscript within the scope of Climanosco?
  2. Is the manuscript (focus and content) new to Climanosco or could the manuscript be re-submitted in the form of an updated manuscript?
  3. Is the manuscript of significance, both scientifically and for the public at large?


  1. Is the presentation clear, coherent and concise, and the language fluent?
  2. Are the scientific arguments presented in a sound and self-sufficient manner?
  3. Is the presentation (text and other material) free of scientific jargon?
  4. Does the presentation ignite the desire to read further?


  1. Does the manuscript provide appropriate scientific references for all important statements?
  2. Have all scientific references cited in the manuscript been published in recognised scientific peer reviewed journals?
  3. Does the manuscript give a reasonably complete coverage of the science of interest, or does it miss existing scientific knowledge which has the potential of changing or nuancing its conclusions?
  4. Are the main assumptions and limitations of the cited studies adequately mentioned and discussed where necessary?
  5. Are the conclusions supported by the cited scientific articles?


  1. Are there any words that are not explained sufficiently to be understood by a broad public?
  2. Are the main aspects of the manuscript introduced with sufficient information to allow a broader and critical understanding by the reader?
  3. Does the manuscript provide enough quantitative information to allow an understanding of the temporal and spatial scales of the phenomena discussed, as well as their magnitude or intensity?
  4. Have the implications for various regions and populations of the world been adequately discussed?
