Announcing the Online General Assembly 2016

Climanosco news
Posted on 01/09/2016

Announcing the Online General Assembly 2016
Michel S. Bourqui
2016-09-01 13:02:32


Dear All,

We are glad to announce that Climanosco’s First General Assembly will be held from 1 October 2016 to 31 October 2016 on the Internet at the official General Assembly page:

The Schedule and Agenda are given below, but first let me draw your attention on one important item of the Agenda.

Elections for the Board of Directors

We warmly invite you to help shape the future of the Climanosco organization and send your candidature to become a Member of the Board of Directors. As per our Statutes, the Board of Directors is composed of 9 – 13 members in near-parity between scientists and non-scientists. This year, we have max. 5 open seats (max. 4 non-scientific, max. 1 scientific).

Please send the following material by 20 September 23:59 UTC to the contact address below.

  • A paragraph telling who you are;
  • A paragraph telling your vision for Climanosco (e.g. why you find this project important, what’s your vision for the next 10 years; you can be creative!);
  • A short Biography (anything shorter than 1 page).

This material will be made available to the logged-in members on the General Assembly page and will help them select their favorite candidates. Being a Director will take you 1 hour per week or less, on average, and you can make an impact. If you would like to know more about what is involved, don’t hesitate to take contact with any current director (see Board of Directors).

Schedule – mark your agenda!

  • 20 September (23:59 UTC): Deadline for sending your candidatures for the Board of Directors
  • 20 September (23:59 UTC): Deadline for sending items to be added in the Agenda under “Other Propositions”
  • 1 October (00:00 UTC) – 21 October (23:59 UTC): Presentation and Discussion of Items of Agenda
    • 1 – 7 Oct: Questions / objections by Members
    • 8 – 14 Oct: Reply to questions / objections by Board of Directors
    • 15 – 19 Oct: Acknowledgment by questioning / objecting Members
    • 20 – 21 Oct: Acknowledgment by Board of Directors
  • 1 October (00:00 UTC) – 31 October (23:59 UTC): Votes
  • 1 November (00:00 UTC): Release of vote results

The General Assembly will start on 1 Oct. with the presentation and discussion of all items on the Agenda. Make sure you can participate from the beginning! The Board of Directors will reply to all questions and objections, and, where fits, it will follow up with a proposal at the next General Assembly 2017.

Votes will only be accepted between 1 and 31 October. There will be no extension of deadline.


  1. Formalities:
    • Election of Chairman for the General Assembly
    • Election of Minute Keeper
    • Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Minutes of the Constitutive Assembly 2015
  3. Activity Report for year 2015
  4. Financial report and Auditing report for year 2015
  5. Elections of new members of the Board of Directors
    • Elections for max. 4 non-scientific seats
    • Elections for max. 1 scientific seat
  6. Proposal for Terms and Conditions for Donations and related changes in the Statutes
  7. Proposal for an Online Shop
  8. Proposal for free memberships fees for 2016-2017
  9. Proposal for provisional adoption of current Editorial Policies and Guidelines
  10. Priorities for 2016-2017
  11. Change of Auditor (succession)
  12. Other Propositions

The “Other Propositions” item of the Agenda is there for your inputs. If there is anything you would like to bring to the General Assembly which is not on the Agenda, please send a brief description by 20 September 23:59 UTC to the contact address below and we will get in touch with you.

Contact email address for all inquiries:

A warm thank you for your participation!

Michel, on behalf of the Board of Directors