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Putting the brakes on climate change – it’s about more than just CO2.
Kathleen A. Mar
Climate change mitigation is about more than just CO2. Mitigating a suite of additional pollutants is important for limiting climate change: in particular, taking action on what are known as “short-lived climate-forcing pollutants” (SLCPs). Although it is common to report the effect of non-CO2 climate warmers in terms of “CO2 equivalence” they aren’t simply “equivalent” – their effects on climate …
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Can somebody clear the air? How air quality and climate change are connected.
Erika von Schneidemesser
Air pollution and climate change are different phenomena, but are connected in a number of ways. The same sources emit both air pollutants and greenhouse gases, many air pollutants affect the Earth’s energy balance and thereby affect climate change, and a changing climate will affect air quality. Policy options to address either air quality or climate change cannot be formulated …
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